The 1 mukhi rudraksha als known as the Eka mukhi rudraksha is the most valuable rudraksha beads in this planet. It is also the most favorable gift given to mankind by nature. In fact, it is believed to be the king of all rudraksha beads. Eka mukhi represents the Parama/Lord Shiva which means pure consciousness and is part of the Brahma trinity, Mahesh, and Vishu. It is said to be associated with the Moksha which brings relief from the cycle of birth and death. This rudraksha bead is capable of getting rid of the illusionary world made by Moha, Lobha, Krodha, Mada, and Kaama. Eka mukhi help us to realize what our main purpose in life and at the same time knowing our true self. Since this bead represents Lord Shiva it can also denote the goodness, truth, and beauty. Here are the significances of this godly rudraksha bead.
Eka or 1 mukhi rudraksha bead is famously known as a divine object of veneration. It is also an effective bead on reaching one’s higher self. It generally symbolized the link between the heaven and earth, man and God, and individual consciousness and ultimate consciousness. On the other hand, this rudraksha bead is said to rules all the planets. Eka mukhi can benefit the wearer to both spiritual and material properties. Parama Shiva will help the wearer obtain worldly success as well as material enjoyments.
Eka mukhi beads normally come in a half moon cashew shape and can be found in Nepal, Sri Lanka, and South India. It is said that the rarest Eka Mukhi can only be found in Nepal but the Java origin Eka Mukhi is also said to have the same benefits as what obtained by the Nepal origin of Eka Mukhi. It can fulfils one’s desires and at the same time cuts down helps on cutting down any problems and impediments made by the superiors or government. On the other hand, it can help on raising the level of leadership qualities of a person. As per astrological benefit, this bead can help on removing the malefic effects of the planet Sun.
Most of the people who are wearing this type of rudraksha bead are adults. If you are seeking for devotion to God or wants to minimize the attachments to the world’s issues, this bead is perfect for you. In addition, this bead is also perfect if you want to attain mokshshya. This bead is best worn in the form of necklace capped with silver or gold. Also, the owner or wearer should greet the one faced Rudraksha first, pronouncing mantra. The mantras include “Mahamrityunjai Mantra” also known as Brahajjalopanishad, “Om Hreem Namah” also known as Shiva Puran, “Om Namah Shivaya”, “Om Rudra” also known as Padma Puran, “Om Om Drushaan Namah” also known as Mantra Maharnava, and “OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti- Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat”.
Moreover, Eka mukhi or 1 mukhi rudraksha bead is said to be capable of washing away the sins. The wearer can acquire Brahma Gyani.e. which can win over all the senses and at the same time gives eternal bliss and moksha after death.
For more information visit: http://www.rudrakshacollection.rudracentre.com/.
The wearer enjoys all comforts at his command but still remains unattached.
Company Name: Rudraksha Collection
Contact Person: Satnarine Rooplal
Email:Send Email
Phone: 4165253868
Address:5333 McFarren Blvd
City: Mississauga
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.rudrakshacollection.rudracentre.com/
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