November 04, 2013 - Shanghai - The security hologram label is one kind of product which applies the anti-counterfeiting technology product. However, the high quality security hologram label should meet with seven general technical requirements before it leaves the factory. Most of clients should not have fully understanding about these eight requirements. Today, the editor from website which is the best online seller fir all kinds of holographic labels would let people know about these seven requirements.
The first requirement should be the uniqueness of identity. The anti-counterfeiting technology product should contain the ability of uniqueness. For example, the laser security label for an item should have its unique identity code and each hologram label should be only used for one time. It could not be transferred. This point is crucial for the protest against the imitated products.
The second requirement should be related with the stabilization period of the hologram label. The stabilization period means the minimum amount of time for the using of the hologram label during normal conditions of using. However, all of the hologram label should have their own decay period.
The third point should be the safety period. This is related to the shortest possible time for the successful imitation of the anti-counterfeiting technology product under normal conditions of using. This should be the most crucial problem which the client would concern. If people could browse the official website , they could find all of these factors have been firstly promised by the seller.
The other point should be the level of security which is the durability and Hologram label reliability of the authenticity function. The level of the security for hologram label could be determined by the number of anti-counterfeiting efforts, the difficulty of imitation and imitation cost. The adaptability of the hologram label refers to the adapting ability of anti-counterfeiting identifiers.
The other requirement should have directly relationship with the using environment of the products. The security ability of anti-counterfeiting technology product such as hologram label should be able to meet the environmental requirements for the normal using of the subject.
The other is the technical security confidentiality. The technology for designing and producing of the anti-counterfeiting technology product should have safety ability and confidentiality.
In addition to all of factors above, the adaptability for economic cost should also be taken into account. It is that the producer should reduce cost for the security products as far as possible while meeting the technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting.
To know more knowledge about the hologram label, consumers could visit website
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Company Name: Shanghai Henglei Hologram Co.,LTD
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