Genoo recently became one of the first companies to successfully migrate a live application using CodeFutures’ new dbShards/Migrate software and Google’s new MySQL Wire Protocol, by moving its database from its existing hosting environment to Google's Cloud SQL. This migration was done with a maintenance window of less than one-minute, and most importantly, was performed multiple times for testing purposes without Genoo’s users experiencing any downtime.
This use of dbShards/Migrate to migrate its database to Google’s Cloud SQL environment has given Genoo enhanced disaster recovery capabilities that will safe guard its customers from any failure and data loss. Plus being in the CloudSQL environment allows Genoo to leverage Google’s infrastructure and speed.
With the use of dbShards/Migrate, Genoo can now offer its customers the following added features:
- 24/7 Availability: In the past, whenever an update or other routine maintenance had to be done to Genoo’s service, its users would have to incur downtime for their business sites. Now these updates can be done live, which means Genoo customers can enjoy consistent 24/7 uptime for their business sites, even during any periods of maintenance or disaster recovery.
- Scalability for Growth: Genoo can now spread its information across different servers, rather than one large server. Updates are done in real time, which allows for secondary servers to act as the primary, and vice versa. As the database load increases, they are able to scale horizontally across servers with a better response time. This provides Genoo’s customers the capability to grow as much as they want without experiencing any downtime.
- Enhanced Security: Genoo also has the capability to continuously replicate its database in a Disaster Recovery (DR) environment to protect against catastrophic failure. This capability is ideal for maintenance and can also be used for disaster recovery. For example, if a facility in New York where your data is being hosted goes down, your data can be replicated and sent to another hosting facility in San Francisco within minutes of the problem.
This upgrade is part of Genoo’s commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest innovations to make its online marketing tools and services highly reliable for its users.
“Our users count on the ability to access their information 24/7. With this opportunity, we are making our infrastructure as bulletproof as possible to give our customers the security of knowing they are with a SaaS provider that is ensuring their data is always safe,” says Kim Albee, President of Genoo. “We don’t ever want our users to lose sleep because of things going bump in the night.”
Company Name: Genoo, LLC
Contact Person: Kim Albee
Email:Send Email
Phone: 763-383-6081
Address:1405 N. Lilac Dr. #215
City: Golden Valley
State: MN
Country: United States
Website: http://www.genoo.com
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