Tuesday, November 5, 2013

3 Key Factors To Consider Before VDI Deployment

This article looks at 3 key factors that affect VDI deployment in various settings. These factors if avoided can save organisations time, money and energy.

With an ever growing need for large and small companies to cut down on administration chores, infrastructure and utility cost, while at the same time staying competitive. The need for VDI technology has never been in so much demand.

Businesses, schools and various small business organisations are constantly looking for the competitive edge that drives growth and scalability. With this knowledge in mind, there is a growing trend of VDI customers in both the business and non business market sectors.  

This article looks at 3 key factors that affect VDI deployment in various settings. These factors if avoided can save organisations time, money and energy.

Deployment Cost: Make no mistake in thinking that deploying VDI in your organisation comes cheap. Customers are often misled into thinking they are making huge savings upfront. Though there is some truth in this, the reality is that the back end costs of VDI can raise expenses.

Such additional costs come from licence and maintenance fees, management tools and the cost to get the remote desktop protocol to function, including providing a solid multimedia display. All of these make the VDI deployment very expensive. The only time you can save money during the deployment is if you opt to buy cheaper thin or zero clients instead of full blown PCs.

Complexity Issue:  Deploying VDI is not the same as setting up a terminal server. It is more complex. The reason boils down to the fact that most customers are expected to buy and integrate different components that makes up a VDI setup from different vendors. The components at least include a hypervior, a management tool, a connection broker, a remote display protocol and endpoint devices.

 A customer can buy a management tool from one vendor and connection broker from another, only to realise the desktop protocol in the connection broker is not compatible with the management tool software. To add to the complexity, most vendors don’t sell the software and hardware together. So you will have to do your home work in finding the right combinations that works.

This complexity can cause unnecessary errors and compatibility issues. This is definitely the last thing any organisation would want when deploying VDI.  Complexities like these will need an organisation to hire highly skilled IT technicians to not only deploy but also to maintain the setup, again raising cost.

Dependent Vs Independent Protocols- Ever since companies have resolved the problem of RDP (remote display protocol) not displaying high graphic messages like videos, there have been a variety in protocols that now supports multimedia. They can be grouped into two categories, dependent and independent protocols.

When you get a dependent protocol for your VDI deployment you can experience problems of compatibility with your management tool and client devices.  Often times, there are certain protocols that work best with certain management tools and client devices. Having this knowledge beforehand will save you a lot in time and money.

As an alternative, independent purpose built protocols for VDI are a better option.

SUNDE VDI As A Better Alternative

SUNDE prides itself as the one stop shop for VDI deployment. They offer an easy to install and manage VDI solution, saving users a lot of time and technical costs. To save on cost and simplify deployment, you can access all the VDI components from one package without having to get different components from different vendors.

Other vendors sell either the hardware or the software and not both. SUNDE offers free vPoint software as their management tool and connection broker. You only have to buy their zero clients.

One of the key features and benefits of SUNDE VDI technology is their independent purposely built protocol that delivers not just a great user experience but users won’t have to worry about compatibility issues.

Media Contact
Company Name: SUNDE
Contact Person: Jason
Email:Send Email
Phone: 0086-20-32290381
City: Guangzhou
State: Guangdong
Country: China
Website: www.sundenc.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com



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