Monday, September 23, 2013

New Infographic Released on the Popularity of Washboard Abs

All About Abs!
Tummy – Belly – Stomach – Washboard – ABS is in again!

Fat or Fit recently launched a new infographic on the resurgence of washboard abs. From “six” to “eight pack abs”, more than 1.2 million people search these terms every month on Google alone. Finely defined abs is not only sexy but a common goal of countless fitness gurus and enthusiasts alike. Suffice to say, it requires true commitment on the part of those wishing to have a strong and well defined mid-section.

Based on the infographic, a “washboard stomach” is actually made of one muscle. This is called the rectus abdominis. The “6 pack” consists of muscles that run vertically on each side of the abdomen. The muscles on the sides of your torso are also part of your abdominal region. In order to develop strong abs, there are a number of exercises that you can perform on a daily basis. This includes side to side exercises, which effectively target your external and internal oblique muscles.

You can also perform the rotate from left to right motion, which also strengthens your oblique muscles at every turn. While a daily fitness regimen is essential, having a nutritional diet plan can also help you achieve desired results. In fact, abs generally become visible at around 10% body fat or lower. According to the infographic, 90% of U.S. adults are simply unhappy with their muscle tone. They would gladly opt for flatter stomachs or lose the fat around the midsection altogether.

The infographic also highlights the popularity of abs in Hollywood. In fact, it was the legendary and iconic Clark Gable that first showed his six packs on the silver screen back in 1934. This happened when Clark took off his shirt in the popular movie “It Happened One Night.” Since that time, Hollywood has been obsessed with heartthrobs that have perfect abs and that Adonis look and appeal.

According to the American Council on Exercise, “the most effective ab-targeted moves can actually be done at home with minimal equipment.” While this statement is from 2001, it still resonates today. No longer do individuals need high-end fitness equipment to secure strong and great looking abs. With just a few exercise moves, both men and women can get dazzling abs from the comfort of their home or office.

Whether you choose to workout at home or in the gym, there are a few aspects to keep in mind. When opting to build abs, frequency and consistency is simply vital. There must also be repetitive reps and sets, which target the areas you want to strengthen and build. You must also have the right form and technique, along with resistance exercises that produce timely and effective results.

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