Monday, September 23, 2013

Medusa Mosaic To Be Shown in Turkey

1,800-year-old art found in historic discovered ruins

While the Medusa of Greek folklore was able to turn her victims to stone, a mosaic that features the infamous character will soon be on display in Turkey to ironically draw many to her gaze.

The mosaic was discovered in 2009, and is an ancient piece of art from the city of Kibyra in the southern province of Burdur's Golhisar district during the excavation that was handled by the Mehmet Akif University. Experts say nearly 95% of the mosaic remains intact, even after the 1,800 years it supposedly has been around.

“The mosaic is made up of thin, colored marble plaques. The technique used is called ‘Opus Sectile’ and there is no other Medusa in the world made with this technique,” said the head of excavations, Professor Şükrü Özüdoğru.

The experts in Kibyra have been working to uncover the piece since its 2009 discovery. Ozudogru stated that the city was founded back in 330 BC and he has noted many of the structures found were able to keep marvelous structural integrity. Such buildings including a parliamentary building, concert hall, stadium, and bath house.

A 3,600-person-capacity Odeon structure was found within the ancient city, and possessed the only know/intact roof. It is speculated it was used for winter months. “In accordance with the reports of expert restorers, we closed the outer surface of the Medusa with five different layers. This year, we opened it so that it could be checked, and so that our restorers could carry out feasibility works on it.”

Ozudogru stated that a second mosaic was beneath the Odeon in 2011 and later it was made into panels with 15 different geometric designs in white and gray scales. He also noted that Oden at Kibyra was somewhat similar to the Herodes Atticus Odeon in Athens, and that is part of the reason the structure is concerned so important to the world of archeology and historians.


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