Monday, September 23, 2013

Clark County Gets System Upgrade to 21st Century

Will streamline payroll, accounts payable, and integration

A new accounting and payroll system will hopefully create a more efficient capability for the Clark county, as it replaces work done by hand and saves money for the taxpayers, according to Clark County Auditor John Federer.

The system will cost anywhere between $1 million and $1.5 million, but the bids have come back lower than expected according to county officials. They also stated they are looking to have the systems ready sometime within the next year, according to Federer.

“It’s going to save a lot money,” said Federer, who also stated it is hard to quantify what the total savings would be for public employees, but would not speculate on total savings. He did, however, state that “The payback on this thing will be quick.”

The current technology utilized by the county is nearly 15 years old, and so a change is clearly needed to keep up with the times. “It might have been good back in the 1990s, but it’s not good now,” Federer said. “It’s not efficient and it’s not effective.”

According to those who work in the county offices, the current method is neither integrable or compatible with modern software. Even Microsoft Windows does not link up to the current system. According to county administrator Nathan Kennedy, the system also is on a non-standard serve that has no parts available if they need to be replaced.

“If the server goes down, so does our software,” Kennedy said. “If that happens, we’re handwriting checks … It obviously needs to be replaced.”

The new system will also provide processes for the accounting, payroll, and accounts payable needs of the county. It will also create stronger integration for the Department of Jobs, Family Services, Transportation Coordination Committee, Mental Health, and Recovery Board.

Federer noted that the partnering of agencies is an important step. Making sure government bodies like the county sheriff, treasurer, and Community Development department are all on the same page on how the software is implemented is key.

“I want to make sure that what we buy satisfies them, too,” Federer said. “We’ve developed partnerships that have never existed before like they have today.”


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