Monday, September 30, 2013

Premier Claims Centre Offers a Simple, Hassle-Free Process for Claiming PPI

Premier Claims Centre takes the hassle out of payment protection insurance claims. Premier Claims Centre is the preferred resource for claiming PPI or Payment Protection Insurance for many reasons. The key reason is that the claims centre is regulated by the Ministry of Justice in respect of regulated claims management activities. Also, all claims are processed by an in-house team and no external companies are involved. They do not charge clients unless they are able to provide a cash refund. “Our fee is only payable once we are successful with your claim and when you have received your full refund,” says the spokesperson for Premier Claims...

Patanjali Yoga Sutra School Offers Hatha - Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher Training Certification Courses In Goa India

Learn Traditional Yoga Teacher Training Course In IndiaInternationally renowned Patanjali Yoga Sutra School offers globally accepted job oriented hatha ashtanga vinyasa flow multi style yoga teacher training courses certified by Yoga Alliance in arambol beach goa indiaEvery year, sincere aspirants to learn yoga and meditation are attracted towards the certified 200, 300 and 500 hours Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha, Kundalini yoga teacher training courses offered in India at North Goa & Dharamsala.In the short span since its inception, Patanjali Yoga Sutra School has gained excellent positive feedback from its yoga students and is now well reputed...

New Mobile Traffic Tracking Under Fire from Privacy Advocates

Navigation companies state information is not identifiableThe new Highway Agency tracking of movement of millions of motorists that fill the highways and freeways through their mobile phones through satellite navigation systems has raised some pointed concerns from the privacy advocates. A new trial from the agency has involved the collecting data from the satnavs and mobile phone systems to examine traffic trends in order to avoid the congestion or slowdowns in traffic has been the focus of some basic concerns by those who concern themselves with basic privacy concerns. Roads used to conduct the new trial include the M25, M11, M4, A3, and...

20 Percent off Games with Toys R Us Promo Code

Toys R Us is offering a tempting deal this weekend with a 20 percent off online discount on their website.With the one-time use code FRIENDS20, during checkout you will receive 20 percent off your order of video games. This deal only applies to games that are out now, so PS4 and Xbox One consoles and games don’t qualify, even for pre-orders. This may be a dealbreaker for some gamers, since most of their money is being saved to buy the new systems as they come out. Games that are available for discount include the highly popular Grand Theft Auto 5, Saints Row 4, Madden NFL 25, the Wonderful 101, and many more across several systems, such as...

Taco Bell Offering Free PS4 Before Release Date with Promo Contest

You may be able to win a PS4 with the "Play the Future First" contests with your purchase of a Taco Bell product.Sony has announced a new promotion whereby anyone who purchases a $5 Buck Box at a participating Taco Bell location will automatically be entered for a chance to “Play the Future First” and win a free PS4, every 15 minutes, before the PS4 release date. Sony and Taco Bell’s promotion will be running in the United States from now until November 10th, giving thousands of fans the chance to win a free PS4 days before the PlayStation 4 hits shelves at retail stores on November 14. During the promotion, each PS4 branded Taco Bell $5 Buck...

13-Year-Old Child Prodigy Studies for Master’s Degree

A teenager in India is studying for her master's degree, after finishing high school at the sage of just 7 years old.Sushma Verma has just completed an undergraduate degree in microbiology and is going on to receive her Master’s degree with no time in between studies. Sushma is no average girl, yet she was born to parents with an uneducated and poor background. The Vermas have made huge sacrifices to provide for their daughter and allow her to study, especially in a predominantly male culture where girls aren’t always afforded the opportunity to go to school as long as boys, and are often married to older men for large dowries. Sushma is the...

Several States Wager on Online Gambling

While Nevada was the first state to legalize online poker, New Jersey is poised to rake in a bigger jackpot from internet poker.New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware are working against each other to see how they can best capitalize newly-legalized online gambling to work in their favor and gain the biggest revenue. All three states will allow anyone - within their borders to use their computers to gamble online at state sanctioned websites. Nevada gamblers can already use their smartphones to play online poker, and Atlantic City players will be able to bed on their games later this years. Unfortunately for Delaware users, wagers via smartphones and...

Home Price Rise Expectations Are High In the Short Term

However long term expectations are modest and consumer exuberance is rational (so far)With home prices back on the rise, there is some speculation that we are entering the beginning phase of another market bubble. In the past 16 months ending in July, United States home prices were up 18.4 percent in real (inflation adjusted) terms. The largest 16-month increase during the housing bubble was 22.7 percent for the period ending July 2004. Karl Case of Wellesley College and his associates have been conducting a study on the housing market under the sponsorship of the Yale School of Management since 2003. Some answers to the question of another...

EA SPorts Discontinues NCAA Football Series

Pending legal hits and backing-out universities force decisionIn disappointing, but not wholly shocking news in the entertainment world, EA sports stated it will be discontinuing its NCAA Football franchise as of next year. A statement from EA Sports read: “Today I am sad to announce that we will not be publishing a new college football game next year, and we are evaluating our plan for the future of the franchise. This is as profoundly disappointing to the people who make this game as I expect it will be for the millions who enjoy playing it each year. I'd like to explain a couple of the factors that brought us to this decision.” The decision...

E-Cigs Found to be as Effective as Patches in Curbing Smoking

Slightly more individuals quit smoking after six monthsA study from the journal Lancet has noted electronic cigarettes are nearly as effective as nicotine patches in regards to helping people quit smoking cigarettes. "E-cigarettes, with or without nicotine, were modestly effective at helping smokers to quit, with similar achievement of abstinence as with nicotine patches, and few adverse events," the study found. The study did go out of its way to note that, despite the inferred findings, "uncertainty exists about the place of e-cigarettes in tobacco control, and more research is urgently needed to clearly establish their overall benefits and...

Study Shows Concierges Being Phased Out By Online Information Sites

Position lacks context and internet can not replace quality advice, says one conciergeMany may know little about what a concierges actually does, outside of misguided concepts gathered from movies or TV series like Hotel Babylon. The man is usually the one who can get you anything, much like a Morgan Freeman character from Shawshank redemption, but without the surrounding prison. What what does the concierges actually do? Pretty much everything that is not what you see on TV and movies, according to Jorge Sousa. What they handle is "anything as long as it's legal and moral" according to Sousa. Sousa stated he can happily hand over a tasteful...

New Hour-by-Hour Guide Explains how to get the Perfect Muscle-Building Workout

A new article on Men's Fitness shows how even the busiest of men can get a good muscle-building routine in between their busy schedules.Wanting to get the muscle mass you want, you’re going to have to work for it, which means making time to devote yourself to fitness. Between 6am and 8am in the morning, hydration is one of the biggest steps you can take to building adequate muscle. Muscles are 74 percent water, so lack of hydration puts a serious damper on muscle-building abilities. Replenish yourself each morning with a tall glass of water before you do anything, include having a cup of water.  Eating a large, protein-filled breakfast...

Australia/New Zealand Mobile Device Market Peaks

Retailers are reluctant to take on more inventories after two quarters of market contractionAll three mobile device markets, mobile phones, tablets and notebooks, declined in the last two consecutive quarters of 2013. This is the first time this has happened in the history of the Australia/New Zealand mobile market. “While it is not surprising that the notebook market recorded another quarter of market contraction, the consecutive tightening of tablet and mobile phones market is a first for ANZ,” says senior analyst at IDC, Amy Cheah. “This does not necessarily mean these markets have hit saturation point, but it may be an early indication of...

Aussie Tourism Will Hinge on Strong Indian Support

Australia Invests in international tourism through strong campaignsWith more and more Indians considering repeat travel to Australia, it is not a singular reason for the interest. For the honeymooners, it is romance. For the site seers, it is the amazing beaches, and for wildlife lovers – the reasons are nearly endless. That said, Sydney Morning Herald reports that some Indians are now becoming worried of their general safety due to violent incidents that have occurred in Melbourne in 2009. The major incident in question involved an Indian student, and is still a despicable indecent that hangs on the minds of would-be visitors. Still, despite...

Despite Fraud in Businesses, Many Small Businesses Not Protected Well

Over two thirds do not have the checks and security they needThere are nearly $600 billion stolen each year from businesses. While a large number of that total is from small businesses that do not have the ability to handle high-end security of finances, many of the businesses fault to have any form of quality fraud protection. A new survey from the Bank of the West stated that while it was true that 95% of the small-business owners who have taken steps to protect their companies, few were actually using proven effective methods. "Small businesses are particularly susceptible to fraud because they have fewer resources. Yet, the impact of the...

8 Tips On Travel Insurance

Vacations were designed to get away from it all but insurance is not something you should leave behindWhen you go on vacation you leave everything behind… including your doctors. Accidents, loss and theft often happen when you travel and it is critically important that you are insured for any unexpected expenses. It is vital to know what is covered by any insurance policy and what is not. Travel insurance can be obtained for many potential losses. Here are eight tips to avoiding common travel insurance pitfalls. 1. Try not to duplicate your coverage Your credit card may insure some of your possessions, when you use it to pay for your trip,...

T Plumbing & Heating Shares Their Passion of Providing Boiler Repairs Croydon

Tony Bynoe, owner of T Plumbing & Heating, offers their services and expertise in boiler repair to the people in Croydon. The boiler servicing company shares their passion in providing efficient and proper heating to the people in Croydon.Every home requires an adequate supply of heat and hot water. These are basic necessities along with food, water and electricity. The central heating system has always been a major consideration when designing a home. With its very significant contribution in making a house habitable, there should be ample attention and care given to the machine. Sadly, a lot of boilers break down even before they reach...

The Leading International Dating Service, AnastasiaDate, Celebrates a Record Breaking Month

The world's premier dating site, AnastasiaDate, has reasons to celebrate this month. The company recently announced achieving the highest ever level of new memberships in one single month. AnastasiaWeb has reasons to celebrate this month as exciting news is announced. AnastasiaWeb has reached its highest number of new members in a single month! The premier international dating service is continuing to attract thousands of new members worldwide. Members are attracted to the online dating site by a unique combination of dating technology and the exclusive service.  AnastasiaWeb has been a leader within the dating industry for over two decades,...

Vitruvian Releases Infographic Released on Garcinia Cambogia

All You Need to Know About Garcinia Cambogia!All You Need To Know About This Amazing Fruit!Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit native to Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. This unique fruit is also highlighted in a new infographic courtesy of Vitruvian Natural Lab. With amazing facts and figures, this informative piece is a must for anyone interested in this amazing fruit. According to the graphic, the fruit has plenty of traditional uses. In fact, it is used as a spice for curry dishes in native regions. The fruit rind is also used for medicinal purposes. Based on the infographic, Garcinia Cambogia has plenty of other uses as well. In fact,...

Infographic from Just Clear Shows Fly Tipping An Unnecessary Risk in the UK

Fly-Tipping RubbishNearly 100% of all citations turn to conviction for illegal dumpingThe act of fly-tipping is the illegal deposit of waste on land that is in violation of Environmental Protection laws. Now, Just Clear has released an infographic explaining the effects and punishments for the act. The phrase “fly tipping” comes from the verb 'tip', which means the throw out of a vehicle and the word 'fly' which means “on the wing” or to throw carelessly. Currently local authorities within the UK deal with over 744,000 incidents of fly-tipping, but have seen a 9% decrease from 2010 to 2012. Nearly 66% of all fly-tips involve general household...

Gagachips Infographic Released on Professional Poker Rankings

Poker Rankings100 Million Poker Players are estimated worldwide! recently launched a new info-graphic on professional poker rankings. The infograph also lists the top poker pros by tournament winnings. This includes Antonio Esfandiari who has amassed $24,875,446.00 in poker tournament winnings to date. Antonio is followed by Sam Trickett who earned $18,737,574.00, along with Erik Seidel at $18,475,609.00. Wrapping up the list are Daniel Negreanu at $18,392,103.00 and Phil Hellmuth at $15,821,111.00. The infographic also highlights poker pros with the most WSOP Bracelets and Main Event victories. This includes Phil Hellmuth with...

New Infographic from Brazing Looks at Statistics for Bras

The Bold, Bra Breakdown!A shocking 80% of women wearing the wrong cup sizeThe newest infographic released from The Bra-Zing takes a look at some of the statistics that surround the garment that is one of the foundations of almost every outfit. From seamless to pushup, from full-cup to strapless, the undergarment comes in many different shapes and sizes. The industry has been around for some time, starting officially in 1907 when Vogue first utilized the term 'brassiere' in one of their articles. The industry now amasses $16 billion per year in sales across the globe. According to the infographic, the average number of bras owned by a woman...

Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Ansal University partners with ARCHADE Foundation to create designs for shelters in Uttarakhand’s flood affected villages

Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Ansal University, Gurgaon has partnered with ARCHADE Foundation (Architecture Research Conservation Habitat and Design Education) to create design proposals and implementation strategies for shelters in Uttarakhand’s flood affected villages in line with the physical, climatic and cultural requirements of the region. Over 75 professional architects and architecture students from 7-10 leading institutions in and around Delhi like Sushant School of Art and Architecture (Ansal University), Sharda University, KR Mangalam and others have joined hands in the month long program which included a 2-day design workshop...

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