Triclosan, which was first registered as a pesticide in 1969, bio-accumulates in the fatty tissue and has been detected in breast milk and blood samples in humans. Studies show triclosan is linked to many health and environmental issues including developmental defects, liver toxicity, endocrine disruption, abnormal cellular function, impaired reproductive hormone activity and cell signaling in the brain as well as antibiotic resistance. Researchers at the University of California at Davis exposed the individual muscle fibers of fish and mice to triclosan and found it impaired the normal contraction mechanism. Both skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle no longer operated normally, and this was true when the mice and fish were tested themselves, or their muscle fibers were examined individually in a test tube.
"Triclosan is found in virtually everyone's home and is pervasive in the environment. These findings provide strong evidence that the chemical is of concern to both human and environmental health," said Isaac Pessah, the study's lead author.
“We were surprised by the large degree to which muscle activity was impaired in very different organisms and in both cardiac and skeletal muscle. You can imagine in animals that depend so totally on muscle activity that even a 10 per cent reduction in ability can make a real difference in their survival,” said Bruce Hammock, a study co-author and professor in the UC Davis Department of Entomology.
- 25% reduction in heart function within 20 minutes of triclosan exposure
- 18% reduction in grip strength for up to 60 minutes after triclosan exposure
- CDC research detects triclosan in the urine of 75% of Americans (Calafat 2007).
- A Mount Sinai School of Medicine study finds triclosan in the urine of 61% of girls age 6 to 8 years old. (Wolff 2007).
Unless you are living in the country, making your own soap and personal care items or living off the land, your family has been exposed to this toxic chemical. However, the good news is - nature always has a solution. Research shows chlorella, found in NDF® & NDF Plus®, removes and biodegrades triclosan.
NDF® is an organic heavy metal & chemical detoxifier that safely removes toxic heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, organochlorides and BPA while balancing beneficial nutrients. It is a gentle detoxifying formula for individuals with a normal constitution.
NDF Plus® issafely removes toxic heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, organochlorides and BPA while balancing beneficial nutrients. NDF Plus® is a gentle detoxifying formula for sensitive individuals with assimilation, immune and/or digestive issues.
NDF® & NDF Plus® increase the excretion of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, and arsenic. They remove chemicals, such as PCB's and dioxin, and pesticides, such as lindane. The chlorella cell wall in NDF® and NDF Plus® is a mucopolysaccharide (non-metal) ion exchange resin (MIER™). It forms both ionic and double bonds with toxins in the body.
NDF & NDF Plus Benefits
- Improves memory, immune function, tolerance of environment
- Inhibits excessive histamine response
- Eliminates brain fog
- Increases vitality, energy & focus
For more information about NDF & NDF Plus please visit www.bioray.com or call 888-635-9583.
Company Name: Bioray
Contact Person: Paul Mobley
Email:Send Email
Phone: 888-635-9582, 888-635-9583
Address:23172 Alcalde Drive #B
City: Laguna Hills
State: California
Country: United States
Website: www.bioray.com
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