Monday, June 2, 2014

Learn Javascript VISUALLY: New Book Teaches JavaScript Fundamentals through Metaphors, Analogies and Easy Step-by-Step Exercises

Learn Javascript VISUALLY is a soon to be launched book that will make learning JavaScript learning easy and fun, the book consists of the JavaScript Fundamentals explained using easy to understand Metaphors, Analogies and Easy Step-by-Step Exercises. The book written by Ivelin Demirov has been especially created for the people who feel intimidated by JavaScript and struggle to understand even the basic fundamentals of the programming language.

The book is still a work in progress and requires a little help from the people who understand how tough it is to learn JavaScript; therefore a KickStarter Campaign has been launched. Great interest has already been shown in the campaign, and the different backers who have contributed in the campaign are excited to see what Learn Javascript VISUALLY will teach them.

James M., a backer, has commented on the KickStarter Campaign:

“The second picture helped me overcome a stumbling block I've had for the last 18 months. Result? Insta-pledge. If one sample page can help me that much, I can't wait for the rest of the book.”

Ivelin Demirov, the man behind the idea and the book believes that it is possible that the failure to learn JavaScript experienced by some learners may not lie in the intricacy of the programming language itself, but the way it is being taught. Visual or Right Brained learners have a different approach to memorize and understand; such people require visually dynamic information for maximum learning. Ivelin points out on his Learn Javascript VISUALLY Campaign Page:

“Visual learners retain information tremendously differently than their left brained counter-parts, and thus benefit from different approaches. Full color illustrations help memory triggers as your brain never forgets an image, metaphor or schema. One page of a visual guide can equal one chapter of a conventional book as illustrations can make a world of difference over strictly words on a page!”

Using the right brained approach to learning Demirov has crafted a new innovate way of teaching JavaScript in his book using JavaScript fundamentals through metaphors, analogies and easy step-by-step exercises. KickStarter Learn Javascript VISUALLY Campaign Page features some examples of the type of illustrations and explanations to be included in the book. The examples portray how easy it is to understand the fundamentals when broken down into easy to understand chunks using illustrations.

About Learn Javascript VISUALLY:

Learn Javascript VISUALLY will be a beautifully illustrated book that teaches JavaScript fundamentals through metaphors, analogies and easy step-by-step exercises highly suitable for visual learners.

To learn more and back the KickStarter Campaign please visit:

Media Contact
Company Name: Learn Javascript VISUALLY
Contact Person: Ivelin Demirov
Email:Send Email
City: Montreal
State: Quebec
Country: Canada



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