Monday, June 2, 2014

Momma's Best Homemade Beauty Products by Military Spouse Promise Improved Fertility

Momma’s Best Homemade was founded by Tammy Mason who experienced eight miscarriages. After discussing her fertility issues with several doctors and independently researching the subject, she was shocked to learn that many of the beauty product she applied to her skin could adversely affect her chances for a successful childbirth. She immediately switched to organic, non-petrochemical products, and eventually began her own line of all natural skin care products.

With her military husband, Tammy gave birth to their son as well as a highly promising entrepreneurial idea: Momma’s Best Homemade. Momma’s Best Homemade uses only the highest quality, organic ingredients to craft enormously popular beauty products. Among her most popular items are the Organic Coffee Body Scrub, Lime Mint Foot Soak, Vanilla Body Lotion, Whipped Key Lime Coconut Body Butter and the Summer Package. To learn more about Momma’s Best Homemade please visit

Unlike many businesses which create products from an industry template that includes harsh chemicals, Momma’s Best Homemade exhaustively tests their products so that they do no harm to expectant mothers or their unborn children.  Many skin care products and, even, detergents can soak through the skin and enter the bloodstream, where they can injure a fetus. With Momma’s Best Homemade line of products, you can rest assured that your health and that of you and your child is perfectly safe.

As her products have grown in popularity and with her husband recent deployment, Tammy has expanded her small business.  Momma’s Best Homemade is now seeking additional funding from the public so that they can patent various recipes, purchase new equipment and expand their personnel roster. For select contributions, you will receive perks like the Summer Scrub Bundle, newsletters and, even, have a product named for you. To make a contribution to this exciting new company please visit

Distributed by SocialTigers

Media Contact
Company Name:Momma's Best Homemade
Contact Person: Tammy Mason
Country: United States



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