Cat's Eye is a gem of planet Ketu. Similar to mars it enhances support, stability, willpower, courage and wisdom and is also the gem that leads one to moksha (enlightenment). It is a powerful gem for attraction of sudden
There are different types of gemstones such as cats’s eye, which is known as lehsuniya in Hindi. This gemstone represents Ketu. There is a band of reflected light in the middle of the stone which looks like the eye of the cat, this is where it got its name. This gemstone is found in the regions of Burma, China, Brazil, Sri Lanka, US, Madagascar. There are different colors of this gemstone such as greenish, yellow, grayish green,black and white. It has 8.5 hardness on the moh’s scale. It is believed that this gemstone has the power to make the wearer wealthy and happy.
Qualities of lehsuniya
- It is smooth
- Brilliance of chtoyance
- This gemstone is heavier than other stones of the same size.
A gem, which has a white band, is considered the best. This gemstone should be bought on Friday, Wednesday and Thursday. The gemstone should be set in the mixture of five metals and should note of less than 5 ratios. If you are wearing the gemstone for the first time then make sure that you wear it before two hours after sunset. Wearing this gemstone increases radiance, physical strength, wealth, stamina and joy. It cures disease, which is caused by Ketu.
Red coral
This gemstone is also known as Moonga in Hindi. This gemstone is made of hard calcium carbonate. They look like underwater plants but in reality, they are gelatinous marine animals, which are known as polyps. These stones are formed from the skeleton of the polyps. According to the Hindu mythology moonga abolishes malefic effects of manual (Mars). Mars is the god of energy and war. The red color of the planet is the symbol of preservance and blood in human life.
- Benefits of moonga have been known since ages. The Romans used to believe that this stone benefits children in wounds, which are caused by the scorpions and snakes.
- The benefits of this gemstone are apparently visible if worn by police officers, soldiers, surgeons, electricians, players. It is useful in enhancing administrative capability, self-confidence, and power of utilizing rights in political and social spheres. Its benefits also involve in buying and selling of property (land).
- The temperament of the red coral stone is considered as very hot. This gemstone can create many virtues in the wearer such as the ability to solve and face troubles, preservance and courage etc. it also brings bliss in married life.
- It prevents fever, abortion, typhus, impotency, smallpox etc. This gemstone can protect children from several diseases if the malas of the red gemstone wear around their necks.
Author bio
On our website, you can have the high quality and different types of gemstones. We also help in guiding people to choose the right type of birthstone so that they can get benefits in life.
For more information, visit: http://www.rudrakshacollection.rudracentre.com/.
Company Name: Rudraksha Collection
Contact Person: Satnarine Rooplal
Email:Send Email
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City: Mississauga
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Website: http://www.rudrakshacollection.rudracentre.com/
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