According to LegalLogs, divorce is complicated and emotional, but the issue of child custody can prove the tensest part of the process. Despite continued progress made by those involved in the Fathers’ Rights Movement, many ex-husbands are still victims of custody arrangements that leave them with little visitation rights, yet require high child support payments. In fact, a recent article from The Huffington Post reveals that after divorce, many fathers are quickly classified as “deadbeat dads” for failing to make child support payments, while the custodial parent remains vastly unpunished for preventing visitation from actually occurring.
Although the “deadbeat dad” mark remains a cross for many ex-husbands to bear, LegalLogs recognizes that many of these fathers are not lacking of emotion or support, but rather are victims of a poor divorce settlement or custodial arrangement. Chris Kennedy of LegalLogs explains, “If a father enters the divorce process without adequate preparation, they may fall prey to a typical judge’s decision that inhibits custodial rights and still requires child support.”
The Huffington Post article explains how this common legal decision can impact the lives of divorced fathers long after the marriage is dissolved. According to the article, men failing to pay child support for three consecutive months can face an array of legal consequences. It states, “The offending individual may receive notice that their driver's license is being suspended, their passport is being confiscated, their vehicle is being repossessed, a lien has been placed on their property, or their federal tax return will be intercepted…Jail time, while rare, is still a real and unnerving possibility for many fathers.”
Although LegalLogs recognizes that financial support of a child is critical for both parents to provide, the lack of rights fathers can benefit from in terms of custody present a jarring disparity. The Huffington Post reveals that if a custodial parent prevents a father from rightful visitation, legal protection is much rarer when compared to child support enforcement. The article states, “If an individual is not comfortable or savvy enough to file for enforcement on their own and cannot afford to hire counsel, then they typically are without means to enforce the visitation order.”
Chris Kennedy of LegalLogs responds, “While the Fathers’ Rights Movement has made significant progress in recent years, the legal pressures facing noncustodial parents are still often considered unfair. There are many ways that divorced fathers can go through legal channels to reinforce their visitation or custodial rights; however, the best way to prevent these issues is to clearly establish a right for custody from the beginning. Fathers who are anticipating divorce and want to avoid the aforementioned issues are encouraged to stay organized and in close connection with their attorney to make sure their parental rights are protected.”
Fathers who want to keep a steady stream of communication with their legal representative—in cases of child custody, divorce and other family law matters—are invited to utilize LegalLogs as a secure resource to transfer and store critical evidentiary documents.
The team at LegalLogs is dedicated to helping divorce attorneys and individuals facing the end of a marriage navigate the challenging ordeal of document organization for divorce proceedings. LegalLogs has created a unique application platform that operates on a cloud-based server; a distinctive tool that provides a way for clients to easily communicate and exchange critical information—such as financial documents, records, evidentiary photos and messages. With these resources, any person pursuing a divorce can find the means to gain the upper hand during the legal process to ensure better results. Those looking to gain more information are invited to follow the company’s Facebook page and Twitter @LegalLogs or visit the LegalLogs corporate website.
Company Name: LegalLogs.comContact Person: Chris Kennedy
Email:Send Email
Phone: 410.879.3223
Country: United States
Website: chris@legallogs.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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