Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Whiteboard animation experts at Promo Sketch, LLC announce new technology reducing animation video costs by ten fold.

Whiteboard animation was absolutely hot in the internet marketing industry during 2013. Unfortunately the industry's production costs averaged between $3,000 and $5,000 per minute. Fortunately, 2014 is going to be different with software, that will reduce end user costs by ten fold.

Whiteboard animation was absolutely hot in internet marketing during 2013.  Unfortunately the industry’s production costs averaged between $3,000 and $5,000 per minute.  Fortunately, 2014 is going to be different with Promo Sketch recently announcing their new service, which uses whiteboard animation production software, which also reduces those costs by ten fold.

“We knew that there had to be a more cost effective way to deliver quality whiteboard animated videos in an effective and entertaining way”, says Russell Volz, President of Promo Sketch, LLC.

So, what is whiteboard animation?  Well, generally it’s a moving cartoon or static images that the viewer watches as they are drawn and story is told.  It captures people’s attention, holds them longer, and converts to sales better than any on-line tool currently utilized by internet marketing experts.  This has been one of the most effective marketing tools to come along in a long time.

Traditional whiteboard animation is done by hand drawing images and backed up by a professional voice over recording.  This process manual process is not only very expensive, but it also takes weeks, if not months, to complete.

What Promo Sketch has done differently is to utilize a very sophisticated suite of software to realistically imitate the hand drawing of images.  Those images come for an extensive library of thousands of specially designed images, which render themselves to be easily drawn by the software’s “hand”.

Additionally, in a pinch, just about any .jpg or .png image can be used.  Which equates to an almost unlimited number of stories that can be easily told.

Lastly, even though traditional hand drawn whiteboard animation, which may take months to product, Promo Sketch’s process takes only 12 business days and for an additional fee, can be completed in less than 5 business days.

So, what’s the downside of whiteboard video?  Well frankly, Promo Sketch’s whiteboard animated videos are good, but they’re not quite as good as “hand drawn”.  Yet, for the price, they’re 90% as good as hand-drawn at one tenth the price.  So, overall, the value of Promo Sketch’s delivered product is extremely worth every penny.

About:   The Promo Sketch team has been producing successful videos for the internet marketing industry for over ten years.  They have promoted products and services ranging from financial services and training courses to assisted living facilities and moving companies; from hot tubs and garden tools to any kind of widget that you can imagine.

Media Contact
Company Name: Promo Sketch
Contact Person: Russell Volz - President
Email:Send Email
Phone: 509-435-2767
Address:16525 N. West Newman Lake Dr.
City: Newman Lake
State: WA
Country: United States
Website: http://PromoSketch.com
Source: www.abnewswire.com



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