Young Architect created project that allows women to get an income without leaving their homes.
6 years ago a young university started with the idea of making woolen hats with special designs to come out of the traditional. But it would be a common way to produce hats, scarves, pullovers …. This would be an innovative concept in collaboration with women who can not work outside their homes.
This way was born Poyen (which means Love in Mapuche, native Chilean language) and has made over the years dozens of women to have a source of income using just your hands.
With the help of ProChile, a government area that promotes the export, its creator Isabel Voigt, began a crusade for more women in Chile and worldwide are eligible for, perhaps, the only way they can work.
For 30 days people can contribute through the website
to create a network of social risk womans weavers who can join this opportunity.
"We have only 30 days to meet our first goal is that people contribute a total of U.S. $ 15,000, which would achieve that many women in Chile to join our project, if it is, we continue to grow to Brazil, Morocco and Kenya , so that hundreds of women use their hands to get out of poverty, helping their children or have income for your health, "says Isabel Voigt, founder of Poyen.
How operates Poyen??
The model is implemented by training Poyen weavers according to their designs and deliver the necessary inputs for the preparation of different models. Once women do their work, the clothes are removed from their houses , to then sell them within the distribution chain at various points in Chile and the world.
Company Name: PoyenContact Person: Maria Isabel Voigt
Email:Send Email
Phone: +569 96912919
Country: United States
Website: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/poyen-headwear/x/3922040
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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