Friday, July 5, 2013

Detroit Emergency Manager, Governor Challenged To Debate

Petition Asks Obama To Avoid New Auto And Wall Street Bailouts.

Detroit, Michigan, USA (July 5, 2013) -- Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr and Michigan governor Rick Snyder have been challenged to a debate on the impending bankruptcy filing of the city of Detroit. The challenge was spurred by the information found on the website which indicates Detroit is not suffering from a lack of revenues, but instead is being "cannibalized" by politicians and other entities. The site notes that Mr. Orr has cancelled contracts with police and other unions due to Detroit coffers being empty, yet he has tripled the salary of City Council member Gary Brown ( Mr. Orr has scheduled a bus tour of Detroit's blighted areas with creditors for midweek, and idea that was usurped from celebrated Australian reporter Paul Toohey in his piece on Detroit entitled "Motown's Road To Ruin" (

The website also has initiated a petition on the White House website calling for President Obama to intervene ( The petition notes that a collapse of the city of Detroit would necessitate a new bailout of the auto companies and Wall Street due to the effect the collapse would have on the bond market and a national security issue. The petition calls on President Obama to bring the issue to a swift conclusion due to a collapse of Detroit costing the loss of 10% of American jobs that are connected to the auto industry (

The website also cites an infamous quote by actor, comedian, and Ultimate Fighting Championship announcer Joe Rogan regarding the city of Detroit as being pivotal to the city's comeback ( The website will be releasing secret emails from the Department of Justice, casino owners, foreign law enforcement in Germany and the UK, politicians, and a foreign Prime Minister that shows Detroit to be the victim of a massive and chronic Ponzi scheme ran by elected officials and corporate entities.

Contact Person: Jerome Almon
Phone: 323-834-2372
City: Detroit
State: Michigan
Country: United States



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