Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Releases New Child Custody Report For Fathers just released a new fathers advocate report to help educate and inform Fathers of their rights.

The issue of child custody laws can become very sticky as they aren’t always clear cut. Many states feel that a child should spend time with both parents when it is possible. The days of the mother automatically being awarded custody when a couple splits is no longer the way it works. Still, many fathers feel like they get shortchanged when it comes to time with their children.

Some states offer a fathers advocate to ensure males know their rights and that they have the assistance they need to navigate the system. Some of these consumers have no idea where to start should they need to request paternity testing or they can’t afford an attorney to fight for their children and proper parental time.

It is a good idea to read about Tennessee child custody laws if that is the location where one resides. Becoming familiar with those laws is a step in the right direction and for being prepared. It also allows time to ask questions if not all of it is fully understood. Being prepared for a court hearing is a huge step to showing the judge that one is serious about being involved in their children’s lives.

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