Monday, March 31, 2014

Elite Marketer 'Settles The Debate' Surrounding The Quick Start Challenge 2.0 Turbo Coaching In His Latest Video Review

If you are hoping to build your online business, there is overwhelming researching proving that one of the absolute best ways to do so is with the help of quality direct mail campaigns in 2014. Direct mailing is a great way to bring all sorts of prospects to your website. However, when you are able to bring this marketing tool into full swing with a combination of an online presence and a quality mailing, you are going to see that there is nothing that will stand in your way of an incredible reach to all of your potential customers. For more information, one can read the - Quick Start Challenge 2.0 Turbo Review thread. ...

Scientists succeed in mapping the Genome of the Garden Gnome but is it too late for the Gnome colonies?

"Gnomore Deaths" Gnomes protest at lack of action over fungal disease which threatens to wipe out Gnome ColoniesScientists have announced that, after years of research, they have managed to decode the Genome of the common Garden Gnome. The warning about fungal infection comes after latest research from GAFFI (The Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections ) shows garden gnomes around the country have suddenly, and mysteriously, become infected by fungal disease and are dropping like flies. Editor’s note: Warning — contains distressing pictures. Video: Vimeo and Youtube:,

DAE Global First To Sponsor GNEX 2015

Perspective Group announces that DAE has confirmed participation in its fifth consecutive Global Networking Expo (GNEX Conference). DAE, the largest privately owned timeshare exchange provider in the world has supported the GNEX Conference platform since its inception in 2011. Now, as preparations for the fifth Annual event get underway, not only has DAE confirmed Platinum Sponsorship again just weeks after the hugely successful GNEX 2014 event in Sarasota, Florida, the company has also committed to take full control of one of the popular nightly social events, which in contribution terms, is equivalent to two Platinum Sponsorships. “This...

Merlin Software For Vacation Ownership Set To Bring Cloud Computing To ARDA 2014

Merlin Software for Vacation Ownership, the leading provider of cloud-based software-as-a-service to the resort industry, will once again be participating at the upcoming ARDA World 2014. The event takes place from April 6-10 at the Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. On April 9 from 9am Merlin’s Mike Ashton will be joining the ARDA IT Smorgasbord panel considering how much of this function should be kept in house and how much to hand off to third party specialists. In the convention’s exhibition hall, the Merlin team will be demonstrating the software directly from the company’s booth (#936). “Anyone with an interest...

National Timeshare Owners Ramps Up Outreach Efforts Through New Helpline

The National Timeshare Owners Association ( today announced a new toll-free consumer helpline (1-844-ASK-NTOA) which, along with their existing Feedback Page will allow consumers to access the Association for assistance with timeshare related issues and provide feedback on great experiences. “The timeshare industry touches thousands of people each and every day. Those combined touch points are incredibly valuable to the NTOA as we strive to shine a light on some of the great aspects of the industry as well as identify potential areas of concern to owners”, says Greg Crist, President and CEO. The association... Offers High Quality Products of Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Diet Pills

Zixiutangbeepollen.orgBee Pollen products show effects within 7 to 15 daysOne of the most popular slimming products all around the world is Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Pills provided by 130mg of bee pollen helps digest 3 pounds of food. Consumption of Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen pills at the right dosage helps to lose fat, gain muscle and they are healthy. These diet pills supply the right amount of nutrients to the body to ensure health and fitness and to make the user healthy and attractive Bee pollen pills are a natural way to improve metabolism and weight loss. Bee pollen diet pills supposedly speeds the process of converting...

AnastasiaDate to Participate in their First-Ever Gumball 3000 Rally This Summer

AnastasiaDate signs up to the popular GumBall 3000 Rally to take its message of love on the road from Miami to Ibiza.This year’s GumBall 3000 Rally will see the faces of beautiful and exciting women from AnastasiaDate at the wheel of one of the raciest entries ever. The popular and globally celebrated online international dating service has just confirmed its participation in the 3,000-mile road rally that will travel from Miami to Ibiza. This is a first-time participation for the dating site, which believes that it can take its message of love and romance across the miles and into the hearts of all those involved. As part of the activity,...

ECVV Making Ripples with Quality & Affordable CCTV Security Cameras

ECVV has recently streamlined its security camera online sales wing and many new products are added with very attractive prices. More than 275 Dome security cameras and quite lot of other CCTV Security Cameras are displayed on ECVV portal.SHENZHEN, China - March 31, 2014: Quality security cameras with advanced features are essential to maintain a perfect surveillance system. ECVV has listed its new range of CCTV Security Camera and other supporting surveillance systems which are making ripples in the security product market as the products are attractively priced! Closed – circuit television, CCTV, is mainly used to monitor the internal activities...

Tax Season Creates Higher Demand for Factoring Services

Henry Wozow, CEO of Universal Funding says, "We usually see an increase in inquiries at the end of Q1 due to companies needing invoice factoring to meet their tax obligations. This year the trend seems to be escalating."Every spring businesses face tax time and they must prepare their information for taxes. Many business owners put off the timely task because they think they will owe. In some instances they put it off by filing extensions until the money is available. Factoring helps business owners so they do not have to file an extension or gain interest on an outstanding balance. Factoring can free up funds so that an unpaid tax balance...

Men & Women Disagree Again — They Won't Watch the Same Movies

Everyone loves to watch movies these days and the best part is that individuals are given a wide range of thousands of movies to choose from as a massive number of movies are released very year. is one of the most well-known and exclusive Swiss movie portals online with a member base of 200,000 people worldwide. Most of the members at the movie portal are from Germany, France and Switzerland. Over the recent years, the online movie platform has managed to grab the attention of millions of people worldwide and also has attained both local and international recognition. Basically, the movie portal features one of the most awaited movies...

A Different Kind of Android Experience for Users Who Prefer to Personally Be a Part of the Game.

(T.W.I.Y.) The World Is Yours was created by Garrik Haynes as an alternative to traditional game play. Now available on Google Play Store, T.W.I.Y. has completed its testing phase and is now open to everyone. Developed by Garrik Haynes for Jobrielle Media, TWIY is now available for download in the Google Play Store and it’s Free. The point of the game is to protect the reputation of your Family name. Other players will create families and will attempt to rise to the top of the games ranking algorithm. Battles have already begun between families in the game for the right to claim: The World Is Yours! “Entrepreneurs, remember in business success...

World First — Dating Website to Produce Film

What happens when a hopeless romantic femme lesbian sets off on a quest to find love with the unlikely team of her two flat mates, a feminist fitness fanatic and a male sex-a-holic? Pink Lobster Dating, is the world’s first dating website to be producing a movie. This groundbreaking new comedy film is written and directed by stand-up comedian and award-winning filmmaker Sezar Alkassab. CEO and founder of Pink Lobster Dating, Juliette Prais and Sex and Relationship expert, Emma Ziff have chosen to be Executive Producers for this project. The film and the campaign surrounding production aim to raise social awareness about taboo subjects and combat...

Natasha Adamo and Michael McQueen wrap shooting on Girlfriends

Prevalentstudios.comGirlfriends screenwriter and lead actress Natasha Adamo is proud to announce that she has wrapped shooting her first feature film co-starring Lindsay Taylor. Michael McQueen directed and produced the film under his production company Prevalent. This is one of two films Adamo and McQueen have teamed up to produce. The second feature film acquired by Prevalent and written by Adamo, Relationsh*t, is currently in pre-production. Girlfriends is currently in post-production and is planning film festival submissions in 2014-2015. In the vein of a female “Sideways” and “Swingers,” Girlfriends is the ultimate female, road trip buddy...

USA Sportsbooks release Baseball Prop Bets For 2014 MLB Season and discuss the top proposition bets and best U.S. sportsbook bonuses that are available for the 2014 MLB season.The 2014 MLB baseball season is upon us, and many of the sports bettors who enjoy baseball action have placed their future wagers, and they are unquestionably very interested in the opportunity to jump on the proposition bets that are being released by USA-facing sportsbooks for their customers. Some have already made these great offerings. BetAnySports, for example, has a host of proposition bets available, as well as tremendous bonus offers for new U.S. customers to partake in  For example,...

Acclaimed Director Luca Merli is Proud to Unveil Next Great Film Peninsula

The renowned director and founder of Block 10 Productions, Luca Merli has announced that his next film project, entitled Peninsula, will document Italian surfers as they perform thrilling feats on the water in their competition to achieve unsurpassed glory.  Peninsula is a tour-de-force of filmmaking which captures the elegance of this thrilling sport as well as the personal stories of its surfing enthusiasts. Luca Merli has produced a monumental visual work which combines exciting footage of the most death defying moments in surfing with the unbridled passion of its participants. This visual feast is more than a mere documentary—it is a...

Vimax Reviews — New Powerfull Natural Male Enhancement Formula

Vimax is a brand of all natural, safe male enhancement pills that have been on the market for nine years and are presently known as the most effective male enhancement product available in the market. Recently a free trial offer has been introduced for men who wish to try the product before they make the final purchase. Men who are interested to know more about the Vimax male virility pills can watch a short yet informative YouTube video: The main purpose of the video is to educate men about the different benefits of the product and the detail about the Vimax Free Trail offer. In the Free trial offer...

Chic Resumes Fights Job Rejection, Offers One-on-One Resume Consultations

As college students approach graduation, many are looking forward to submitting their first resumes. Chic Resumes offers consultation to curb the need for critique from employers. According to recent reports, employment in the United States is gaining—however, many job applicants are still facing heavy competition and long wait times for interviews. While these circumstances are encouraging, Chic Resumes believes it is essential that all job seekers are fully prepared for interviews, which means already having a solid resume in place. This is a critically important lesson for entry-level college graduates that may be entering the market in a...

Facing #1 Fear Seems Difficult – but Is It?

Middleton, WI. It’s a well-known fact that the fear of public speaking ranks number one in the minds of most people. Ranking far higher than the fear of death or disease, the fear of standing in front of a crowd paralyzes otherwise powerful people. Jason Teteak, author and public speaker, wants to help people overcome that fear. The bestselling book, Rule the Room, A Unique, Practical and Comprehensive Guide to Making a Successful Presentation, is the product of Jason Teteak’s twenty-year experience as a trainer and coach. His thoroughly tested advice covers every presenter’s concerns, from hooking the audience immediately to entertaining them,...

So You Don't Think You Gamble? Think Again!

Woodstock, NY. The Enlightened Gambler, The Heart and Spirit of the Risk Taker in All of Us guides the reader through Marty Klein's world of gambling, seduced by the never ending excitement in the "land of uncertainty". The book encourages readers to step past the superficial and take a more conscious view of the motivating drive in all of us to take risks. In a lighthearted, sometimes laugh-out-loud, self deprecating style, the author playfully and willingly exposes his own vulnerability to the seductive, "I wrote this book, first of all, to point out that everybody gambles, but most people don't call what they do gambling. Some of the...

Nurse By Day, Rock N' Roll Queen By Night, Lisa Flynn and Workhorse III Unleash New Album

Lisa Flynn and Workhorse III Many have the assumption that rock bands are pampered and/or disconnected from the working world. But this is hardly the case with hard punk rockers Workhorse III. Comprised of the wife-husband duo of singer/guitarist Lisa Flynn and drummer Eric Perfect plus bassist Brian Blunker, it turns out that Flynn is surgical nurse."I recover fresh post op patients and take care of patients that have all type of surgery," she explains. "Abdominal, vascular, bariatric, hips, knees, shoulders…all orthopedic, urological, abdominal cancer resections, gallbladders, bowel obstructions, abscesses, gynecological, plastics, and some...

Roll Forming Corporation Continues to be a Market Leader in Shaped Metal

Roll Forming Corporation Strives to Become Total Solution Provider to Consumers Across the GlobeBOCA RATONFL, March 31, 2014 -- Geoff Repp, Sales and Marketing Manager of Roll Forming Corporation talks about the part his company plays in the manufacturing of this type of shaped metal. Roll forming is a process by which a piece of sheet metal is bent, by increments, into a desired shape. The applications for roll-formed metal stretch across a wide variety of industries including aerospace, solar energy, transportation, construction, racking and more. And Roll Forming Corporation is out there leading the way in innovation and design. According...

Scio Diamond Joins with 21st Century Television to Discuss the Future of the Diamond

Scio Diamond met with 21st Century Television to explain how the diamond industry has the capacity to influence many industries, and the future may lie with mass produced gemsBOCA RATON, FL, March 31, 2014 -- Diamonds have an unmistakable role in the modern economy. While many people quickly identify their role in various types of jewelry, they also have many more practical uses. Their hardness is valuable in saw blades, drill bits, and their properties are even useful in industries such as those needing semi - conductors. Mining natural diamonds, with their limited supply, cost, and various political issues surrounding their extraction,...

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